Chances are you’re already doing a whole lot to keep your skin looking youthful. If you’re using SPF, moisturizer and avoiding direct sunlight you’re on the right track to preserving your youthful glow. The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) pointed out three common mistakes, which you might not be aware of, that could be secretly sabotaging your skin.
1. Not wearing sunglasses
Although they make for highly fashionable accessories, sunglasses are designed for more than just a fashion statement. They’re actually an important part of your anti-aging regimen. Not only do they protect your eyes from harmful UV rays, but they also prevent you from squinting. Repetitive squinting can lead to crow’s-feet, which often require cosmetic treatments like injectables and fillers to be removed. Try keeping a pair of sunglasses in the car so you'll be less likely to end up squinting and more likely to prevent aging eyes.
2. Replacing moisturizer with sunscreenIf you think that your creamy sunscreen is providing you the same benefits as your moisturizer, that’s not the case. Not all sunscreens hydrate and some may even add extra oil or dry out your skin. Skimping on sunscreen is not the answer, however. Rather, make sure you’re feeding your skin with enough moisturizer to stay balanced. If you’re unsure if your sunscreen is doing enough to keep your skin hydrated, bring your favorite moisturizer to the store and compare its list of ingredients with the sunscreens you are considering purchasing.
3. Going unprotected in the evening
10 am to 3 pm is the most dangerous time of day for your skin. But just because the sun isn’t shining doesn’t mean it’s ok to skip the sunscreen during the other hours of the day or dark weather. You can still get burned. If you don't wear SPF at all times, it’s likely that you’ll see the formation of freckles, sunspots or other spots on your skin, sooner rather than alter. Luckily, most of these can be taken care of with a procedure like microdermabrasion or skin resurfacing. Try paying attention to the time of sunup and sundown.